115 Court Square North
Talladega, AL 35160
Talladega, AL – Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) will be in Talladega next week for their 18th annual week-long residency at the Historic Ritz Theatre.
On Monday, November 17, the Missoula directors will hold open auditions for area students ages 5 to 14 who may wish to appear in MCT’s original production of “Blackbeard The Pirate.”
Auditions will begin at 4:00 pm sharp on The Ritz stage. A rigorous after-school and early evening rehearsal schedule throughout the week will culminate with two public performances complete with sets, costumes, props, plus an original score on Saturday, November 22.
NO advance preparation is required of students who audition. The MCT director’s cast selection is based on those students who they believe can best fill some 55-60 available roles after a two-hour audition process. The ability to concentrate and focus, take directions, listen carefully, work well in a team, show orderly behavior, plus voice projection and a warm smile are important criteria used in selecting the members of the cast.
The two public performances of “Blackbeard The Pirate” will be on Saturday, November 22 at 12 Noon and 2:00 pm. Tickets are $5 for adults, and $3 for students.
The annual MCT residency at The Ritz is sponsored by Callie’s Kid Foundation, who provided additional funding this year toward the Willy Coker Arts Education Memorial Fund, which will also help underwrite MCT’s 2014 production of “Blackbeard The Pirate.”
The mission of Missoula Children’s Theatre is “the development of life skills in children through participation in the performing arts.” In 2014, MCT touring companies will work with 65,000 children in some 1200 communities in all fifty states and 17 countries.
For more information call George Culver, Ritz E.D., at 356-315-0000